Shillong : Kyllang Rock

Open Time : Day time.

Entry : free

Address : Kyllang Rock, Meghalaya, India

Why to visit Kyllang Rock

Kyllang Rock, a remarkable big rock formed of red granite located 78 kilometres from Shillong, is a large dome in the West Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. The Rock is a huge slab of granite that is part of Khasi legend and seems magnificent in its shape. It is 5400 feet above sea level and has a width of about 1000 feet. The southern side of the enormous dome is inaccessible, while the northern side is covered with rhododendrons and shrubs. Climbers come to Kyllang Rock to put their skills to the test and enjoy some unrestricted adventure. It takes around 30 minutes to climb to the summit of the rock, but the view is well worth it. You may also use the site's stairway to go to the summit.

Special Tip

Wear shoes with a good grip as you have a good mountain climbing way out there

By Rebecca Lal

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