
Suraj Fine Dine Restaurant

Open Time : 9:00 a.m - 7:00p.m

Entry : free

Address : Suraj Fine Dine Restaurant, R.S. Road, Prakash Nagar, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India

Why to visit Suraj Fine Dine Restaurant

Many guests stop by this eatery after taking a stroll around Kondareddy Burz. At Suraj Fine Dine Restaurant, you'll find a diverse menu focused on Indian food. Delicious biryani and well cooked chicken will wow you from the first taste. A number of individuals have mentioned how kind the staff is at this location. In their reviews, people mention how nice the service is. The tranquil atmosphere may tempt you to linger a little longer than you had anticipated.

Special Tip

Kunda biryani is famous here

By Abhilasha Prasad

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