
Lotus Restaurant

Open Time : 11:30 a.m - 10:45 p.m

Entry : free

Address : Abdullah Khan Estate Lane, Gandhi Nagar, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh, India

Phone : 078420 20777

Why to visit Lotus Restaurant

This Lotus restaurant in Kurnool has a terrific atmosphere. They serve delectable cuisine. This restaurant would be ideal for a family outing rather than a group of pals. When it comes to food, prices are slightly higher. The food tastes fantastic. They serve both North and South Indian cuisine. We recommend trying the Butter Naan and all varieties of curries for vegetarians, and the fish Tikka and all types of Mandie for non-vegetarians.

Special Tip

Butter Naan and Fish tikka are highly recommended

By Abhilasha Prasad

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