Why to visit Malgund
Malgund is a peaceful, picture-perfect village that rose to prominence as the birthplace of the famed Marathi poet Krishnaji Keshav Damle, better known as Keshavasuta. Monuments and museums dedicated to Keshavasuta's work can be found around the area. The museum has information on the majority of contemporary Marathi poets. The memorial is dedicated to Marathi literary fans. Nirmal Nagari of Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi of Sahaja Yoga renown is also located in Malgund.
Demographics of the Village Malgund :
Area (2020) - 13.1 km²
Population (2020) - 1032
Population Density - 271 people per km²
Male Population - 482
Female Population - 550
Nearest airport & distance Kolhapur Airport - 94.4 km
Nearest Railway Station & Distance Bhoke - 14.34 km
How to reach?
Some of the closest places to Malgund include Ganapatipule (2 kilometres), Kalzondi (5 kilometres), Varavade (5 kilometres), Chafe (6 kilometres), and Dhamanse (7 kilometres). To get here, take a bus from one of the nearby cities.