
Kashi Art Cafe

Open Time : 8:30am- 10pm

Entry : paid

Address : Kashi Art Café, Burger Street, Fort Nagar, Fort Kochi, Kochi, Kerala, India

Phone : 0484 221 5769

Why to visit Kashi Art Cafe

Kashi Art Cafe is one of Kochi's most stunning cafes, catering to both foodies and art connoisseurs. The restaurant is known for its great breakfast, but it also has a side art gallery where a single artist's work is displayed for a month. The place is well-known among international travellers for its excellent non-vegetarian cuisine and pleasant atmosphere. One of the most popular things to do in Kochi is to go here.

Special Tip

Must try the Omellete breaded mushroom

By Aryan Prasad

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