
Cliff Houzz Restaurant & Bar

Open Time : 12pm to 1am

Entry : free

Address : Cliff Houzz, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India

Why to visit Cliff Houzz Restaurant & Bar

This bar and restaurant is operated by the Winnies Holiday Inn and is situated on the Dharampur-Kasauli road. It is renowned for its excellent food and service. The restaurant, which is among the best in Kasauli, provides its customers with a wide selection of vegetarian options. 

  • There is a balcony attached to the restaurant from which you may enjoy a lovely view of the hills.
  • An inviting and cozy ambiance to spend the evening in Kasauli.
  • The restaurant's modern décor makes it a favorite among tourists looking for a little peace and quiet while they eat. 
  • Due to the wooden furniture and design, the restaurant's atmosphere exudes a rustic charm. 

Location: Winnie Holiday Inn Kasauli, Kasauli

Cuisines: Indian, Chinese, Asian

Cost For Two: INR 1000/- (approx)

Nearest Attractions: Gilbert Trail (2.19 km), Manki Point (2.34 km), and Sunset Point (2.06 km)

Nearby Hotels: Camper Holiday (0.16 km) and Kasauli Courtyard (0.21 km)


FAQ on Cliff Houzz Restaurant & Bar

Does Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar offer delivery services?

Yes, Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar offer delivery services.

Does Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar offer takeawayservices?

Yes, Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar offer takeaway services?

Is parking available at Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar?

Yes, parking available at Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar.

What is the nearest landmark from Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar?

You can easily locate Cliff Houzz Restaurant and Bar near Pinegroove School, Kasauli .

Special Tip

Try Lemon Chicken, Chopsuey, Fried rice, and even Butter Chicken. These are the most rated dishes by the customers.

By Rebecca Lal

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