
Anand Bhawan

Open Time : 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Entry : free

Address : Anand Bhawan Museum, Tagore Town, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India

Why to visit Anand Bhawan

Motilal Nehru, a prominent politician in India, built Anand Bhavan in the 1930s as the family's new home when Swaraj Bhavan, their first palace, became the regional office of the Indian National Congress.

Within the grounds of Anand Bhavan is a museum division called Swaraj Bhavan. In addition, the facility features the 1979-built Jawahar Planetarium.

The planetarium, which is run by the "Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund," was constructed to spark interest in science among both the general public and schoolchildren.

80 people can sit in the planetarium, which now presents programmes about space and the stars. The planetarium also broadcasts documentaries on our galaxy and other extraterrestrial life.

The house was furnished with Chinese and European-imported timber furniture, as well as with diverse antiquities from around the globe. Many well-known freedom fighters went there to plan their plots to expel the British from the country.

Indira Gandhi bequeathed the structure to the Indian government in 1970, and it now houses Nehru's study and bedroom which are the most fascinating areas of the exhibit.

Mahatma Gandhi used to reside in chambers that were devoted to both him and Indira Gandhi while he was in Allahabad. There is a library in this house that is white and blue. An outhouse outside the Bhawan contains an exhibition of images.

FAQ on Anand Bhawan

What restaurants are located close to Anand Bhawan?

Chaht Restaurant, Sagar Ratna, and Cool Breakfast Food Restaurant are some of the nearby dining options close to Anand Bhawan.

What days of the week are busy at the Anand Bhawan?

The busiest days to visit the Anand Bhawan are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Where is Anand Bhawan located?

Anand Bhawan is situated 5 km from the Civil Lines Bus Stand inside Allahabad's central centre. To get to the mansion, you can take a taxi or an auto-rickshaw.

What does it cost to enter Anand Bhawan?

Anand Bhawan admission costs Rs. 70 for Indians and Rs. 200 for foreign visitors, and Rs. 60 for the planetarium show.

What time does Anand Bhawan open?

Anand Bhawan is open from 9.30 AM to 5.30 PM, with the exception of Mondays and public holidays.

Special Tip

Anand Bhawan can be photographed from the exterior, but within the museum, photography is not permitted. On-site art and craft lessons are available for young children. Even though visitors are not permitted inside the rooms, they may still see them through the mirror walls.

By Mehrosh Shamim

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