
Weekend Market

Open Time : 7:00 am to 8:00 pm

Entry : free

Address : Thimphu, Bhutan

Why to visit Weekend Market

When you travel to a new nation, you must undoubtedly bring something back as a memento of your visit, a small mark of remember that will remain with you forever. That is exactly what the weekend markets in Thimphu are for in Bhutan. Tourists begin coming on Thursday night and stay until the end of Sunday, making it a bustling tourist destination throughout the day. Ingredients, souvenirs, and diverse aspects can be collected, leaving your fragrant sense in a state of ecstasy. This is without a doubt one of Bhutan's best.

One of the most interesting sections is the incense section, which is full of deliciously aromatic raw ingredients and pink cubes of camphor and saffron that are used to flavour the holy water provided to pilgrims in lhakhangs. Wander through the stalls and you'll find dried fish, strips of fatty pork, and discs of datse (soft cheese), as well as dried chillies, local pickles and condiments, and jars of wild honey from southern Bhutan. During the winter, you can even get a yak leg (with the hoof still attached). Look for banana pods, jackfruit, and the curled fern fronds known as nakey depending on the season.

Special Tip

Authentic Bhutanese handicrafts, handmade Bhutanese footwear, and woven products are also available for purchase here.

By Atharva Yeshwardhan

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