
Squares of Savannah

Open Time : 12 A.M - 12 P.M

Entry : free

Address : Garden On the Square, Abercorn Street, Savannah, GA, USA

Website :

Why to visit Squares of Savannah

Visitors flock to the Squares of Savannah for a chance to witness its impressive beauty and history. With 24 historic squares spread throughout the city, each square provides a lush, picturesque environment to relax, picnic or people-watch. Some of the popular squares include Chippewa Square, Johnson Square and Wright Square.

Places to visit near Squares of Savannah

  • River Street
  • Savannah Historic District
  • Tybee Island
  • Wormsloe Historic Site

Places to eat near Squares of Savannah

  • The Olde Pink House Restaurant & Bar
  • Elizabeth on 37th
  • Circa 1875
  • The Collins Quarter

How to reach

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Square of Savannah
 Bus :  12, 27, 31


Squares of Savannah is open 24/7 and can be visited at any time.

Entry fee

There is no entry fee to visit Squares of Savannah.

FAQ on Squares of Savannah

Are there restrooms available in Squares of Savannah?

Yes, there are public restrooms available in some of the squares.

Are the squares accessible for people with disabilities?

Yes, some of the squares have ramps and accessibility options for individuals with disabilities.

Can you walk or bike through Squares of Savannah?

Yes, visitors can walk or bike through Squares of Savannah, as it is a pedestrian and bike-friendly area.

What are the major attractions near Squares of Savannah?

The major attractions near Squares of Savannah are River Street, Savannah Historic District, Tybee Island, Wormsloe Historic Site.

Special Tip

It is advisable to bring a map or use a navigation app to find your way around the squares, as there is no specific path to follow.

By Hammad Warsi

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