Rythu Bazar Gopalapatnam
Open Time : 6:00 a.m - 7:00p.m
Entry : free
Address : Rythu Bazar Gopalapatnam, Gopalapatnam, Naidu Thota, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
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Why to visit Rythu Bazar Gopalapatnam
The farmers' market, Rythu Bazaar, was established by the government of Andhra Pradesh in 1999 as a social project. Rythu Bazaar's major goal is to assist farmers in bringing and selling their produce directly to consumers without the need of intermediaries. Although Andhra Pradesh is the country's second-largest producer of fruits, vegetables, and flowers, farmers do not reap the benefits since the fruit and vegetable marketing system is largely controlled by intermediaries.
Special Tip
Varieties of fruits and vegetables are here
By Abhilasha Prasad
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