

Open Time : 9:00 A.M to 4:00 P.M

Entry : paid

Address : Thinkery, Simond Avenue, Austin, TX, USA

Website : https://thinkeryaustin.org/

Why to visit Thinkery

The Thinkery provides a variety of interactive exhibits and activities that allow children to learn through play and discovery. This can make learning more engaging and fun for children. The Thinkery has a variety of outdoor play spaces, including a water play area and a nature-inspired playground. This can provide children with opportunities to explore and play in a natural setting. he Thinkery is an excellent destination for families with children of all ages to explore and learn together in a fun and engaging way.

Places to visit near Thinkery

  • The State Capitol Building
  • Congress Avenue
  • The Blanton Museum of Art
  • Zilker Park and Barton Springs Pool

Places to eat near Thinkery

  • La Condesa
  • El Naranjo
  • Fresa's Chicken al Carbon
  • El Alma

How to reach

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Thinkery

  •  Bus : 10, 350


It is open from 9am to 4am

Entry fee

Entry ticket cost $16

FAQ on Thinkery

What are the major attractions near Thinkery ?

The major attraction near Thinkery are The State Capitol Building Congress Avenue, The Blanton Museum of Art, Zilker Park and Barton Springs Pool.

What are the museum's hours of operation?

The Thinkery is open Tuesday through Sunday, from 9 am to 4 pm.

Are there any food or drink options available at the museum?

There is a Cafe in the Thinkery where visitors can purchase food and drinks, also visitors are welcome to bring their own snacks and drinks and enjoy them in the designated eating areas and there are also several other dining restaurants near the museum.

Are there any parking facilities near the museum?

There is a parking garage available for visitors, as well as metered street parking.

Special Tip

The Thinkery regularly hosts special events, workshops, and programs that focus on different aspects of science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) education if you want to attend this check with the museum prior to your visit.

By Hammad Warsi

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