
Moonwalk Riverside Promenade

Open Time : 12 A.M - 12 P.M

Entry : free

Address : The Moonwalk Riverfront Park, new orleans , USA

Website : https://www.gpsmycity.com/attractions/moon-walk-16631.html

Why to visit Moonwalk Riverside Promenade

Moonwalk Riverside Promenade offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the water's edge, relax on the benches, or rent a boat and explore the river. The promenade is also a popular spot for picnics and outdoor events, with plenty of green space and picnic tables available.

Places to visit near Moonwalk Riverside Promenade

  • Riverfront Park
  • Downtown Riverside
  • Riverside Art Museum
  • Riverside Fox Performing Arts Center

Places to eat near Moonwalk Riverside Promenade

  • Packing House
  • The Salted Pig
  • Skyloft
  • Ooh La La! French Bistro

How to reach

The following transit lines have routes that pass near MoonWalk

  •  Bus : 51, 57, 61, 62, 8
  • Streetcar: 12, 49


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Entry fee

There is no entry fee.

FAQ on Moonwalk Riverside Promenade

Is there a fee to access Moonwalk Riverside Promenade?

No, there is no entry fee.

Can I bring my dog to Moonwalk Riverside Promenade?

Yes, dogs are welcome as long as they are kept on a leash.

Are there any restaurants or cafes on Moonwalk Riverside Promenade?

Yes, there are several restaurants and cafes near the promenade.

What are the major attractions near the Moonwalk Riverside Promenade?

The major attractions near the Moonwalk Riverside Promenade are following Riverfront Park, Downtown Riverside, Riverside Art Museum, Riverside Fox Performing Arts Center.

Special Tip

Make sure to bring comfortable walking shoes and sunscreen, as the promenade is a great place to walk and soak up the sun.

By Hammad Warsi

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