
Glencairn Gardens

Open Time : 9:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M

Entry : free

Address : Glencairn Garden, Crest Street, Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA

Why to visit Glencairn Gardens

Glencairn Gardens boasts of its stunning collection of gardens that showcase various plants, shrubs, and trees, providing an ideal environment for picnics, walks and unwinding. The park features fountains, birdhouses and water features that offer a relaxing ambiance and a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Places to visit near Glencairn Gardens

  • Falls Park on the Reedy
  • Greenville Zoo
  • Bon Secours Wellness Arena
  • Furman University

Places to eat near Glencairn Gardens

  • Mama Mia's Italian Restaurant
  • Good Life Cafe
  • Alchemist's Kitchen & Bar
  • Old Hickory House

How to reach

The following transit lines have routes that pass near Glencairn Garden

  •  Bus :7, 9


It is open from 9am to 5pm

Entry fee

There is no entry fee.

FAQ on Glencairn Gardens

Is there a picnic area available in Glencairn Gardens?

Yes, there are picnic tables and benches available for visitors to enjoy a meal.

Is there a playground for kids in Glencairn Gardens?

No, there is no playground for kids in the park.

Are there any guided tours available in Glencairn Gardens?

Yes, guided tours are available for visitors to learn more about the park and its features.

What are the major attractions near Glencairn Gardens?

The major attractions near Glencairn Gardens are Falls Park on the Reedy, Greenville Zoo, Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Furman University.

Special Tip

It is recommended to carry a picnic basket and enjoy a meal with family and friends while admiring the stunning gardens in Glencairn Gardens.

By Hammad Warsi

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