Chittoor : Srikalahasti Temple
Open Time : 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Entry : free
Address : Srikalahasti Temple, Srikalahasti, Andhra Pradesh, India
Website :
More Travel Tips from Chittoor
Why to visit Srikalahasti Temple
The elaborate structure of the Srikalahasti temple complex is a breathtaking view right from the entrance. It has intricate carvings of numerous mythological illustrations that one can explore in the divine surroundings. This magnificent temple is often reffered as the Kailasa and Kashi of the south. The temple represents one of the five elements (Pancha Bhoota) - Air or Vayu.
Special Tip
Hotels in Kalahasti can be found by going for online bookings.
By Abhilasha Prasad
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